Let's Start A F.I.R.E.
A day with many firsts, Kainalu Little League opens their Home field to some of Hawaii's future all-star baseball players for the first time in two years. With restrictions slowly loosening on Oahu, this gave New Hope Kailua the opportunity to serve its community by hosting the Opening Day Ceremony.
From Church involvement to Dignitaries and Community Leaders, to Kalaheo High School Color-Guard and Coast Guard fly over, to the performance of the National Anthem and Hawai'i Pono'i by Mikaela “Mimi” Freitas, to honoring 'Uncle Norman' Aweau; this was truly a day of many firsts — with intentions to start a F.I.R.E. within our community. Though there were many years of experience standing on this field, all had shared the same of many 'first' experiences.
From Church involvement to Dignitaries and Community Leaders, to Kalaheo High School Color-Guard and Coast Guard fly over, to the performance of the National Anthem and Hawai'i Pono'i by Mikaela “Mimi” Freitas, to honoring 'Uncle Norman' Aweau; this was truly a day of many firsts — with intentions to start a F.I.R.E. within our community. Though there were many years of experience standing on this field, all had shared the same of many 'first' experiences.